The pocketPANO VARIO nodal point adapter is a super handy panorama head, specially developed for mirrorless cameras with interchangeable lenses and all types of compact cameras. Adjustable rails and adjustable click-stops in both axes allow for optimal fit to your camera without the size and weight of conventional nodal point adapters.
The pocketPANO VARIO is suitable for APS-C mirrorless cameras such as the Sony NEX series, the A5000's and A6000's or Canon's M-models, as well as cameras with full frame sensors, such as the Sony A7 series or the new Z6 and Z7 from Nikon and R models from Canon are suitable.
Expand your options! Make perfect, parallax-error free panoramic images with your mirrorless or compact camera. All you need is a special nodal point adapter that lets your camera rotate exactly around the center of the entrance pupil between each shot - horizontally and vertically. Whether you just want to increase the viewing angle of your camera in order to be able to fully depict a subject, or to make complete panoramic views of interiors: with the pocketPANO VARIO nodal head you have a perfectly customizable tool that sets no limits. And all this super compact, intuitive, with perfect handling and in a form that fits into your jacket pocket.
pocketPANO VARIO - the VR panorama head for your mirrorless or compact camera. For all types of panoramas. From single-row to multi-row to full 360° x 180° spherical panoramas.
The pocketPANO VARIO nodal point adapters are individually and optimally adjustable for YOUR camera: easy-to-read and engraved scales, variably adjustable stops for your camera boby, adjustable click-stops and an adjustable rotational resistance of the upper tilting axis to the weight of your camera.